Deep Dive into Ken's Message from March 16, 2025
Below you will find Bible study questions, discussion questions and a full small group discussion guide (pdf download)
- Read Judges 21:25. The sermon references “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” How does this verse relate to our modern culture’s view of authority and individual freedom? What are the consequences when everyone follows their own path without guidance?
- Read Genesis 1:26-28. How does God establish hierarchy within creation from the beginning? What responsibility does God give to humans in this passage, and how does this reflect God’s hierarchical design?
- Read 1 Corinthians 11:3. Paul states that “the head of Christ is God.” How does this challenge or confirm your understanding of the Trinity? How can equality and hierarchy exist together in the Godhead?
- Read John 6:38 and John 5:19. How do these verses demonstrate Jesus’ submission to the Father? How might Jesus’ example of submission change our view of submission in our own lives?
- Read Romans 13:1-7. What does Paul teach about the Christian’s relationship to government? How do we reconcile this teaching with situations where governments act unjustly?
- Read 1 Timothy 5:17 and Hebrews 13:17. What do these verses teach about authority within the church? How should church members relate to their leaders according to these passages?
- Read Ephesians 5:21-33. What does this passage teach about hierarchy within marriage? How is the husband’s authority balanced with sacrificial love? How does the comparison to Christ and the church deepen our understanding of marital roles?
- Read Ephesians 6:1-4. What guidance does Paul give to both children and fathers? How does the promise attached to honoring parents reveal God’s intent for family structure?
- Read Matthew 3:16-17. How does Jesus’ baptism scene reveal the Trinity and the relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? What does this reveal about God’s nature?
- Read Philippians 2:5-11. How does Jesus’ willingness to empty himself demonstrate proper submission within hierarchy? What was the result of Jesus’ submission to the Father?
- Read Psalm 19:1-6. How does the order in creation (stars, planets, seasons) testify to God’s design for hierarchy? How does recognizing God’s order in nature help us appreciate order in human relationships?
- Read 1 Peter 5:1-5. How does Peter instruct both leaders and those under leadership? What attitude should characterize all relationships within God’s hierarchical design?
- The sermon opens with the story of a troubled teen who requested “rules” when taken in by a new family. Why do you think structure and boundaries were so important to him? Have you experienced a time when clear boundaries helped you or someone you know flourish?
- Ken states, “We all need rules, boundaries, guidance, shepherding, and fathering.” Do you agree with this assessment? How have you seen this principle at work in your own life or in society?
- Our culture often views hierarchy as oppressive or problematic. What factors have contributed to this negative perception? How might we distinguish between harmful and healthy forms of hierarchy?
- The sermon suggests that “doing what is right in our own eyes” leads to chaos and disorder. Can you think of examples where this has proven true in families, communities, or nations?
- How does understanding the Trinity as existing in a “holy order” change your perspective on hierarchy in human relationships? Does it challenge any of your previous thinking?
- Ken describes Jesus’ submission to the Father as bringing “great joy, peace, power and glory.” How might proper submission to legitimate authority bring similar benefits in our lives?
- The sermon addresses God’s design for governments, churches, and families. In which of these areas do you find it most challenging to accept or implement biblical hierarchy? Why?
- What does mutually submissive leadership look like in practice? How can those in positions of authority exercise their leadership in ways that reflect God’s character?
- How might our understanding of biblical hierarchy inform our approach to parenting and family life? What practical steps can parents take to establish healthy boundaries while demonstrating love?
- The sermon suggests that “the task for Christians isn’t to do away with Godly hierarchies because the world would like to, but to show the world how well it works.” What would it look like for your family or church to demonstrate godly hierarchy that leads to human flourishing?
- Ken mentions areas where humans have attempted to reorder creation (genetic modification, redefining gender). How should Christians respond to these efforts? Where is the line between beneficial human innovation and disordering God’s design?
- What specific step could you take this week to better align with God’s designed order in your role as a parent, child, spouse, church member, or citizen?
Deep Dive into 3-16-25 (PDF)
Discussion Guide for 3-16-25 (PDF)
Last Week’s Materials