Youth Ministry
Weekly Schedule

Our goal is simple: We want every teen who graduates from our program to be a committed and loyal disciple of Jesus Christ.
These verses give us a structure to accomplish this goal. We first seek to love God with all that we are. We want our teens to have an authentic relationship with Christ that will sustain them throughout their lives. Because of that relationship, we seek to find opportunities to love those around us – our friends, family and community. We hope you join us in this mission!
A couple times a year we take a weekend to grow closer to God and challenge each other to live like Christ. These retreats offer a chance to recharge and recommit to being God’s light in the world.
Whether we travel out of the country or stay in the States, these trips offer our teens the chance to serve others and spread the message of Christ in our world.
Nature Trips
Every few summers we will take a trip to be in nature. We seek to be in God’s creation and hear His voice. We also seek to spend time with God in seclusion, to build teamwork and grow spiritually with friends.
Camp Horizon
Camp Horizon is a week long summer camp experience for high school and junior high students. It is led by a collection of youth ministers from Texas and Oklahoma. You can sign up at